1 | Superviors of the Checklist Session, 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. |
3 | Selectmen’s Meeting Cancelled, Office Hour Only, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
3 | Conservation Commission Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
6 | Public Hearing: ZBA Rehearing for the Tree Agent LLC, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
9 | Daylight Saving Times Starts |
10 | Selectmen’s Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
10 | Town Clerk, Last Day to Accept Absentee Ballots, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Town Hall |
11 | Town Elections, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Town Hall |
11 | Master Plan Committee Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall Second Floor |
13** | Annual Town and School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Town Hall |
17 | Selectmen’s Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
19** | ZBA Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
24 | Selectmen’s Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
26 | Planning Board Meeting, 7 pm Town Hall |
31 | Selectmen’s Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall |
** Update or Change to Calendar
The following individuals were elected and have accepted the position.
- Moderator 2yrs: Wayne Hartz
- Selectmen 3 yrs: Steven Goldsmith
- Library Trustees 3 yrs: Karyn Hagen
- Fire Engineer 3 yrs: Jason Contrady
- Budget Committee 3 yrs: Michael M. Powers
- Budget Committee 2 yrs: Bruce Smith
- Town Planning Board 3 yrs: Eva M. Morel
- Trustee of Trust Funds 3 yrs: Sharon Sweeney
- Town Auditor 1 yr: Denise Laroche
- Cemetery Trustee 3 yrs: Waiting for acceptance
The following link will take you to the minutes from the Surry Town Meeting held on Thursday, March 13, 2025.
Town Meeting Minutes – March 2025
Hello Surry Folks! On April 11 at 5:30 p.m. until 8ish the Town Hall will be having the first, of what we hope are many, Surry Potlucks! Kids can play! We can swap stories and feast together! It’s the original FaceTime! Bring a dish or not. All are welcome!
The ZBA did not reach a decision at the public hearing noticed below. This item remains on the ZBA agenda. Deliberations will continue on Wednesday, March 19, at 7 p.m., at Surry Town Hall. You are welcome to attend.
You are being noticed of an upcoming public hearing concerning an application for variance submitted by Tree Agents LLC. This is a rehearing. The applicant seeks to construct a 12-lot subdivision on Joslin Rd in Surry. Seven of the lots do not meet road frontage requirement and 8 lots do not meet lot width requirements as specified by the Surry Zoning Ordinance. The applicant seeks relief by variance from Article VI, land and space requirement of the Surry Zoning ordinance.
The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, March 6, 2025. The hearing will be held at the Surry Town Hall starting at 7:00pm. You are invited to attend and comment.
If a decision is not reached on that date, the item will remain on the ZBA agenda until a decision is made.
CONSERVATION COMMISSION: Natural Resources Inventory Being Conducted
The Surry Conservation Commission has contracted with Moosewood Ecological LLC to conduct a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) for the Town. The purpose is to identify natural resources and to prepare a report with written description, maps, and other data. Natural resources include factors in the natural environment like water, wildlife, agriculture, forestry, topography, soils, habitats, ecological areas of importance, and other resources. The NRI will provide technical information that can be the basis for conservation planning for the town.
Moosewood Ecological has remotely surveyed the town’s natural resources and selected some locations that they would like to look at in person. With written landowner permission, Moosewood Ecological representatives will survey these properties starting in April. Owners of the selected properties will receive a letter from the Surry Conservation Commission in March asking permission for Moosewood Ecological to visit their land. Landowners are asked to grant or decline the visit in writing on the form provided and return the form to the Surry Conservation Commission.
Work will begin in April and conclude next spring with a report to the town. If you have questions about this process or if there are natural resources or special areas that you want to make note of for this survey, please contact the Conservation Commission at its monthly meeting at 7PM on the first Monday of each month, or contact any Conservation Commission member.
Conservation Commission Members:
- John Davis, Chair 603-762-5453
- Caroll Lothrop, Secretary 603-566-3297
- Bob Hammond, Member
- Scott Hiller, Member 508-439-1086
- Lesley Johnson, Member 603-566-3297
- Ken Maynard, Member 603-352-0822
DEPUTY TOWN CLERK: Position Filled
Christina Hammond, Surry Town Clerk, appointed Marie St. Onge as deputy town clerk to fill the open vacancy.
ROAD POSTING NOTICE: March 11th – May 15th
Pursuant to RSA 231:191, no motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight of six (6) tons or greater shall operate on town-maintained roads between March 11, 2025, and May 15, 2025.
After approval, the weekly Select Board meeting minutes are posted and available for review at the town hall and on the town website Select Board Meeting Minutes.
REED FREE LIBRARY, SURRY NH: Opportunity – Seeking a new Library Director
The Reed Free Library seeks an enthusiastic person to help build dynamic engagement between the library and the community.
The position is permanent, part-time, 6-8 hours per week. You must be available on Mondays from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 to 1:00 p.m. and attend some meetings.
Further information regarding the pay, role, and requirements can be found by clicking the following link: LIBRARY DIRECTOR POSTING.
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