PUBLIC NOTICE: Planning Board Hearing

Notice is hereby given in accordance with NHRSA 676:4 & 675:7 that the Surry
Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 7:30 pm
at the Surry Town Hall, 1 Village Road, Surry, NH to consider a Boundary Line
Adjustment and Two-Lot Subdivision Application submitted by Mark and Kathy Gross
and Robert W. and Linda M. Bergevin for property located on Surry Dam Road and East
Surry Road and known as Tax Map 6, Lots 4, 4B and 4BB.

Should a decision not be reached at the Public Hearing, this application will stay
on the Planning Board Agenda until such time as it is either approved or denied.

Laura Barrett, Secretary Surry Planning Board

All meetings are open to the public and subject to the provisions of NH RSA 91-A:2

MASTER PLAN, Article 14: Update

During the March 2024 Town Meeting, Article 14 was passed, appropriating $10,000 to update portions of the 1983 Master Plan.  This allowed the Planning Board to move forward with forming the Surry Master Plan Committee and engaging the Southwest Region Planning Commission to assist in updating two key sections of our Master Plan (Vision and Land Use).

The Committee, chaired by Planning Board representative Matt Goodwin, has met monthly to tackle this assignment. Toward the end of October, the project’s next phase will kick off when a town-wide online survey will be announced to bring more town input into the process. Then, on Saturday morning, November 16th, a Public Forum will be held at the Surry Town Hall to provide additional information and gather further input from residents.  A formal Public Notice will be posted closer to the date, but please save the date in the meantime.

To learn more about what a town’s master plan is and isn’t, click the link to read an article from the New Hampshire Municipal Association Master Plan.

CHESHIRE COMMUNITY POWER, Article 15: Update following October 7’s Public Hearing

There was good attendance and participation during the information session on Cheshire Community Power. Terry Clark, Board Director of the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire, presented the case regarding the benefits of joining. After responding to several questions and concerns from the group, Jay Croteau, Select Board Chairmen, asked for a show of hands for those in favor of moving forward, and it was unanimous. 

Based on that positive feedback, the select board will discuss and finalize the decision at its next meeting on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Surry Town Hall.  Assuming approval, Surry will be part of Community Power’s March 2025 rollout of new towns joining the coalition.  

The following link will take you to a copy of Terry Clark’s presentation Surry Presentation – 10.7.24.

HALLOWEEN: Trick-or-Treat

Halloween trick-or-treating hours for Surry have been set for Thursday, October 31, from 5:00-7:00 PM.

Residents wishing to participate should keep their porchlight on to indicate candy is available for trick-or-treaters.  If you or your kids are planning to head out trick-or-treating, keep the following safety tips in mind:

  • Wear well-fitting costumes and shoes
  • Stay in groups
  • Avoid dark homes
  • Look both ways when crossing a street
  • Carry flashlights and glow-sticks for visibility
  • Examine all treats before eating.

Whether or not you are participating in Halloween activities, please remember to exercise increased caution on roadways while driving during these hours.

REOPEN LOWER POND ROAD, Article 16:  Update

At the end of July, the Selectmen and the Conservation Committee held a joint site visit at Lower Pond Rd to level set on its current condition and to review existing plans, permits, and documentation. Based on that meeting, a video probe of the culvert, and discussions with contractors, a decision was made on how to proceed.  With the project scope defined, bids were solicited, received, and reviewed.  MME Construction won the contract and is ready to get started.

There is still a lot to do, and like all construction projects, the unexpected can happen, but we continue working toward a 2024 completion date.

DEPUTY TOWN CLERK: Position Filled

Christina Hammond, Surry town clerk, appointed Jason Hammond as deputy town clerk to fill the open vacancy.

MODERATOR: Position Filled

The Supervisors of the Checklist have appointed Wayne Hartz as Moderator to fill the open vacancy.   

HEALTH OFFICER: Position Filled

The Select Board recommended, and the Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner appointed John Davis to fill the open vacancy.


The town of Surry’s returned check policy has been updated.  Returned checks will now be charged 50 dollars to cover bank fees and the cost of handling.


The Selectmen are working to improve communications and keep the town informed about important updates and events impacting the community. I’m sure you have already noticed the changes to the website’s landing page, but to reach more people, we are now looking to establish an email distribution list that will allow us to send the information directly to you.

If you want to receive these updates, email from the email account where you would like to receive them. Please include your name (First and last) and your mailing address in the body of the email. Your phone number is optional.

Your email will trigger an automated response to confirm you’ve registered. If you don’t see the email in your Inbox after a few minutes, please check your Spam folder and flag it as “Not Spam” to prevent future emails from going there.








October 2024